Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ortega Elementary needs your help!

Hello Ortega Elementary Community,

Whether you are a student or graduate of Ortega, a Parent of a current student or graduate, Teacher or Staff - current or past - this website is for you all to connect and share information.

Ortega is going through its growing pains again. This website was last used to successfully keep Ortega Elementary in Austin, TX, from closing its doors back in 2010-11.

Ortega needs everyone help, whether it a small thing like signing a petition or showing up to a meeting to learn how to lend your support.  Please click on the Follow button to get the latest information on how we can organize again, to help keep Ortega a beautiful and thriving community where students can be free to learn in the best environment with the best suited Teachers and Staff that are ready and excited to bring their students in to the 21st Century!